April 2024 Meeting & Notes (Sat Apr 6 @ 10:30AM)

Meeting: Saturday 6th April 2024 @ 10:30am

Join Online Meeting: bit.ly/climate-network

Before Meeting:

  1. Add neighbors to the Local Resilient Lawns list.
  2. Review & make changes to the Resilient Lawns One Pager (Syd will make final edits)
  3. Add local makers/farmers to the West Central Local Producers Directory - Google Docs
  4. Add story ideas to the Newsletter Story Submission Form.


  • Community Check In
  • Announcements
  • Sue Granger - Public Trees & Planting
  • Sub-Committee Sharing
    • Morris Model Newsletter
    • Resilient Lawns
    • Food Systems
  • Determine Next Meetings

Meeting Notes

  • Community Check In

    • @syd is thinking about re-vitalizing the Morris Community Center as a space for building community and resiliency. She recently attended a Department of Public Transformation Activate Rural webinar and wants to start building a team interested in the process of re-igniting this public space.
    • @Susan_Gilbert is thinking about books! @Nic_McPhee & Sue collected a box of masks to distribute through Mask Up Morris!
    • Vern has been thinking about the gremlins in his Amazon Kindle self publishing program. Has been working with @SandySunshine and @mgm to get some good food efforts moving.
    • @Jeff is thinking about his trip to New London for the Coop and Goat Ridge Brewery celebration!
    • Sue Granger is the chair of the COM Tree Board, a lifelong Morris resident, and last fall collected 100 acorns and now has 50 oak tree saplings!
    • @cberthiaume is thinking about the humane society and the rambunctious dogs!
    • Dan is thinking about recent retirement, his current travels, and the many, many, many, birds along said travels. He is also thinking about the NCAA March Madness women’s tournament, and the Friends of the Boundary Waters meeting & rally at the capitol focused on the “Prove it First” campaign.
    • @briana_dokken has been thinking about her Senior Sem: Friday 4pm 3665
  • Announcements

  • Sue Granger - Public Trees & Planting

    • The Urban Forest is the single largest natural public infrastructure already in place that needs our support because of its huge impact environmentally.
    • We are at the end of the life span of many of the trees that were originally established when Morris became a settler town.
    • The larger the tree, the more the environmental benefits.
    • Morris might start a Tree Champion program to celebrate the big trees of each species in our community.
    • We can take up less native space, and live closer together, drive slower, increase green space, collect more energy from the sun and SO MUCH MORE by taking care of our trees.
    • If we can just keep people from moving outside firewood into Morris, we can reduce the chance of EAB coming here. Most of the firewood sold in town is from one company who does not pull firewood from EAB counties.
    • Federal Grant from the IRA to hire Craig Beyer to do structural pruning over 4 years. He knows what he is doing!
    • Tree Steward Program - if you are interested in this training and volunteer work, contact Sue -
    • Thursday May 23rd from 4-6PM at Pomme De Terre Park. Planting, photos, water table, presence is supportive at this event, no matter what you are doing! Bring a lawn chair!
  • Sub-Committee Sharing

    • Morris Model Newsletter
    • Resilient Lawns
    • Food Systems
      • WCROC Solar Container Grant
      • RSDP Community Kitchen Pro
  • Determine Next Meetings

    • May WCMNCN Meeting- Saturday May 4th @ 10:30AM online at bit.ly/climate-network
    • Newsletter Distribution Walk & Chat - Friday April 12th @ 1PM, meet at the Morris Public Library
    • Resilient Lawns Sub-Committee - Saturday April 20th @ 10:30AM online at bit.ly/climate-network
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