On Friday this week there is going to be a panel in Fergus Falls highlighting how the clean energy transition fits well into rural areas!
There will be a LOT of Morris/Stevens County representation on the panel, so it would be super cool to have a LOT of Morris/Stevens County representation in the audience!
Other panel folks include OtterTail Power Company, Steven’s County SWCD, and MN State Senator Senjem who is a Republican from Rochester leading the Clean Energy First legislation.
I would go if I didn’t have work, and I am BUMMED I can’t make it. If anybody can go, please report back at Saturday’s meeting!
RSVP here: https://www.wcif.org/news_resources/event/2020/03/06/clean-energy-harvest-panel/284980
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/257589731903274/