Clothing & Textiles (that can't be reused)

It’s too late to reduce, and you have clothing or other fabric items on your hands that can’t be usefully repurposed or donated. Solutions?

(I’m not sure how to make that first post a wiki. @Nic_McPhee?)

I have intimates and stained/torn clothing that would not be welcome thrift store donations. My cleaning closet contains more rags than I will use in a lifetime at this point. Any suggestions for non-landfill destinations for these?

I’m considering trying Retold Recycling. Their solo bag is currently $15.50 and accepts any “clean and dry household textiles and clothes.” They also have a “Scraps Bag” option. They don’t take pillows or shoes. The bags are compostable cornstarch bags. I don’t know how to calculate the shipping impact, but surely it’s better that the fabric is diverted from landfills?

I’ve also seen recommendations for [Trashie](Trashie | Take Back Bag.

Thanks for any suggestions!
