Meeting: Saturday 1st January 2025 @ 10:30AM
Join Online Meeting:
- Community Check In
- Announcements
- PDTRA, DNR, and City of Morris Partnership Formed for Crissy Dam Project
- Land Stewardship Project Food Forum
- 2025 LSP Western MN Food Forum, 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm - Oyate Hall, Student Center, Morris, MN 56267, USA
- Last March, over 40 producers, school food service directors, and food advocates gathered at the 2024 Food Forum to listen, learn, and coordinate around farm-to-institution opportunities in western Minnesota. The Land Stewardship Project is excited to gather again to build a vision for our region’s food system at the 2025 Food Forum on Monday, Feb. 24.
- Stevens County Organics 3-Year Anniversary Celebration
- Come hear a celebratory update on three full years of Stevens County Organics Recycling! Learn about how the program is doing, ask questions, and celebrate the folks who make it all happen. If you are interested in getting started with organics recycling at home or your business, this is the celebration for you! Saturday February 8th at 1:00PM in the Morris Public Library Community Room.
- Wintertime Scheming: where do we want to put our collective group energy in 2025?
- Determine Next Meeting
Meeting Notes:
- Community Check In
- @syd is thinking about how she is tired from working, tired from hauling, but how it feels good to be active and engaged and productive.
- @Jeff is thinking about how he wants to be moving more and helping his body feel good. He is also thinking about the flood of ~information~ and how much to actually take in.
- Joel is thinking about hibernating and how as a outdoor guy, he slows down in the wintertime.
- @cberthiaume is thinking about how they are in transition to a new place, new job, new presidential administration. They are also thinking about how it is mentally confusing to be so privileged and doing so well in a time where so many people aren’t.
- Dan, what ISN’T he thinking about!? He just got back from traveling and visiting ancient sites, crossing off some bucket list things, learned from many cool leaders and guides. Friends brought over books, “On Tyranny” and a group is going to get together to discuss it.
- @Susan_Gilbert is thinking about how Nic might think she is disintegrating because of the ~awfulness of everything~. She is coming up with a plan for how she will deal with things mental-health wise. Nic & Sue are thinking about how their efforts need to be more MN focused, making sure MN is protecting human rights and the well-being of people.
- Announcements
- PDTRA, DNR, and City of Morris Partnership Formed for Crissy Dam Project
- Land Stewardship Project Food Forum
- 2025 LSP Western MN Food Forum, Monday, February 24 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm - Oyate Hall, Student Center, Morris, MN 56267, USA
- Last March, over 40 producers, school food service directors, and food advocates gathered at the 2024 Food Forum to listen, learn, and coordinate around farm-to-institution opportunities in western Minnesota. The Land Stewardship Project is excited to gather again to build a vision for our region’s food system at the 2025 Food Forum on Monday, Feb. 24.
- Stevens County Organics 3-Year Anniversary Celebration
- Come hear a celebratory update on three full years of Stevens County Organics Recycling! Learn about how the program is doing, ask questions, and celebrate the folks who make it all happen. If you are interested in getting started with organics recycling at home or your business, this is the celebration for you! Saturday February 8th at 1:00PM in the Morris Public Library Community Room.
- Wintertime Scheming: where do we want to put our collective group energy in 2025?
- Working on the community aspect - conversation, connection, support.
- How do we engage online in our personal lives to make greater impact? How do we disengage online in our personal lives to make greater impact?
- Fostering community - invite one new/old person to the March meeting
- Captain is vying for a tangible project, or a set task to do - Captain will give an update about the Resilient Lawn work at the March meeting.
- Determine Next Meeting
- Saturday, March 1st @10:30AM online -