January Meeting (9 Jan 2021 @ 10:30AM)

On Saturday, January 9th 2021 at 10:30 AM the WCMNCN will be hosting a “Coffee with Chris” google hangout. Meeting link: meet.google.com/tgo-tyha-mrv

The purpose of this meeting will be to welcome Chris Watkins, the City of Morris Sustainability Coordinator, to town (even though he has been here for a couple months). Chris will give an informal presentation regarding his goals and aspirations for the position, and the rest of the meeting time will be allotted for questions and chatting.

The end goal of this meeting is to connect Chris with community folk who are interested and engaged in sustainability/climate so that (to quote Chris), “I can make sure that the work of the Morris Model is addressing EVERYONE’s concerns as we move forward with our planning for the coming years.” We want Chris to know the people, and the people to know Chris. Building relationships! Hooray!

At the December meeting we discussed how we want to intentionally invite folks from the community who would be interested in Chris’ work. I will send out an email invitation and I ask you to please forward it along to anybody you think would be interested! I ask that if you do forward the email to invite folks, that you add a lil’ personal message so they do know you thought of them for a reason. I would love if we could invite faith leaders, business owners, local gardeners, Soils Lab/WCROC folks, students, as well as generally interested neighbors.

Please add any discussion you have about this Coffee with Chris meeting in the comments!

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@Margaret_K you had mentioned a few names from the Soils Lab & the USFWS as to folks who might be interested in hearing from Chris (this also might have been @nomuzz). Would you mind letting me know their names/emails or even sending them an invite to the meeting? Thanks!

Thanks for setting this up Syd! Hey everyone, very sorry I missed the last meeting - we were caught up in the excitement of picking up our new pandemic puppy in Hutchinson and I totally forgot I promised Syd I’d be there.

I look forward to meeting you all and getting a good feel for the concerns and priorities of the residents of Morris so we can push forward with a unified objective and really leverage the awesome network you all have created already!


Tentative agenda:

  • Introductions (so Chris knows who he is talking with)
  • Informal presentation by Chris about himself & his aspirations for his position
  • Questions & good ol’ fashioned Minnesotan chatting
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