June 2023 Meeting (Sat June 3rd @ 10:30AM)

Meeting: June 3rd 2023 @ 10:30am
Link: meet.google.com/xym-otyz-dwm
Tentative agenda:

  • community
    How do we encourage more people to attend meetings and be part of the discussion and generate ideas/projects to work on?
    **increase visibility via posters/leafleting
    **via the public library? Anne Barber
    **MN Climate lobby, who are they? Are there other regional groups who we might collaborate with?
    **Jeff Hayes?
    **UMM student groups, student activities, David Swenson?
  • updates
  • Barrel Giveaway
  • future project/s
    **encourage support of local food systems, for example The Real Food Hub, Morris Farmer’s Market
    **who to get the word to? UMM/SCMC communities
  • Calendar Updates
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