Mask Up Morris - COVID Resources

We have been thinking about pandemics as an effect of climate change for a while. Here are some quick notes on protecting yourself in our current pandemic.

You may have noticed that COVID is running rampant these days.

You might also know that catching COVID increases your chances of heart failure, brain damage, and immune system collapse. Even more so with each new infection.

Wearing a high quality, well fitting mask is the strongest protection we have against spreading and contracting COVID. N95s are well filtering, well fitting masks. Cloth & blue surgical masks do not filter or fit well.

If you are interested in keeping yourself and your community healthy, I would love to get some free masks your way! I would love to help make sure you don’t miss school, work, or fun. Message me, text me, holler at me on the bus. I would LOVE to get you some masks so YOU can be safe!

Wearing a mask inhibits none of my regular activities, but it does make sure that I am healthy enough to continue to participate in said activities. I love my mask. I love to breathe in filtered air with fewer germs.

Check out the Mask Up Morris site for resources, free masks, and other things.