November 2024 Meeting & Notes (2 Nov 2024 @ 10:30AM)

Meeting: Saturday 2nd November 2024 @ 10:30am

Join Online Meeting:


  • Community Check In
  • Announcements
  • Sub-Committee Sharing
    • Resilient Lawns
    • Food Systems
  • Determine Next Meetings

We started the meeting discussing the technicalities of the upcoming election, what you need to register to vote, what seats are on the ballot in Stevens County, how there are lots of conflicting feelings and tension surrounding the impending results.

  • Community Check In

    • @Susan_Gilbert shared about how she has been thinking a lot about what is going on in Spain with the flooding. She heard that there are 2,000 people missing and has seen footage of cars being rushed away with the speed of the water. Flooding is one of the things Sue finds scariest because there isn’t even a semblance of control over it.
    • @Cait_C is thinking about upcoming election, she is relating to everyone feeling anxious and nervous about what will happen.
    • Dan has been traveling quite a bit, has been on two fairly long wilderness trips. He went on one trip with a friend, and on one solo trip during peak fall colors. He then met with the Voyagers, a group of clergymen who meet about family systems topics. He shared about how people with a vision of the future created these wilderness places for people to visit. He shares that it is fun and important to connect in our little group
    • @cberthiaume has been hired by the MPCA as a permit writer for the wastewater system. They are doing a lot of learning about how this all works.
    • @syd is thinking about how she got 10 hours of sleep last night! She is also thinking about the upcoming election and being an election judge for 15 hours that day. Syd is excited to continue to spend time being friends and neighbors with the fine folks of the WCMNCN.
  • Announcements

  • Determine Next Meetings