This is an email Troy Goodnough (Director of Sustainability) sent out to some folks on the UMM campus. It highlights a lot of cool stuff happening at UMM and in our community. There is a link to a Virtual Zero Waste Summit that I got to be a part of and shared some information about our group!
Check it out! Let folks know what you think in the comments! Ask questions!
This past academic year we continued to make great progress on our zero waste goals.
This week, several UMN students (Josie Rehbein, Teresa Boyd) and Morris alum (Sydney Bauer) prepared a zero-waste video update – with information about our campus zero-waste efforts, work happening at the Morris Area Schools, and community efforts to support county-wide composting!
Check out the video here: 2020 Virtual Zero Waste Summit (apologies in advance – the transcript is not perfect, but pretty good)
We are fortunate to have such an amazing Facilities Management (FM) team who have been working day-after-day to improve these systems.
For almost a decade now, FM has been managing a campus-wide organics recycling program – also called our compost program – since 2012.
The UMN FM team has kept over 700,000 lbs of food scraps out of the solid waste stream – and turned it into soil on campus!
And, they have helped the Morris Area Schools keep over 130,000 lbs out of the landfill.
We are closing in on 1 million lbs of organics recycling at Morris!
The MorrisMission last week had an exciting conclusion – and answering the question – how do we take our recycling out?!
And, the Morris Area High School student got 2nd place in their video competition – taking us on a Morris High School Clean Energy Road Trip
There was even a Plants, People and Poetry Contest this Earth Month!
A big thanks to everyone who is working hard to make UMN Morris a green campus!
Be well.