Sustainability Forum

Do you care about sustainability? Do you want to know what Morris is doing to increase sustainability?
Go to MCSA’s annual Sustainability Forum will be on Thursday, November 12th at 6:30pm over
Zoom ( This is an awesome opportunity to learn more about the current sustainable projects happening in and around Morris! Feel free to drop-in or drop-out when you please.

There will be four presenters each giving a 10-15 minute presentation followed by questions. The presentations will be:

Bryann Hermann: Carbon Neutrality Efforts at the University of MN-Morris

We just became carbon neutral in electricity! Bryann will share how we reached that point and what projects are next.

Chris Watkins: Morris Model

Chris will tell us all about what the Morris Model is, what the local sustainability goals are, how we are going to reach them, and our relationship with our sister city Saerbeck, Germany.

Isaac Sanchez: Organic Solar Cells and Carbon Capture

Isaac is a current undergraduate student at UMN-Morris. He worked on undergraduate research in chemistry with Kara Nell and Ted Pappenfus and investigated a more sustainable way to capture solar energy and other green chemistry topics.

Josie Rehbein: Zero Waste

Josie is also a current undergraduate student at UMN-Morris. She is the Zero Waste Intern with the Office of Sustainability. She will be talking about the zero waste efforts being made by the University and how we are hoping to expand.

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I’ll be there! Excited to hear from Chris & the students!