- Quick Intros
- Sharing of Draft Schedule
- Pick a Date/Time
- Poster Draft
- Brainstorm getting out the word
Purpose of event:
- To be excited (and share excitement) about Stevens County Organics
- To share initial information about Stevens County Organics
- To gather information from future users/customers of Stevens County Organics and gauge interest.
Draft Schedule: (can view it here)
Folks feel good about the draft schedule. Makes sense for the event, folks are willing to share content in their respective time slots. @syd will come up with a list of points we would like Nathan to hit on and @nomuzz will be in charge of getting a projector and projector screen to show visuals.
Date & Time:
Stevens County Organics Kickoff will be on Friday October 8th at 10AM in Eastside Park with the Morris Senior Center (where we could record the event) as a bad weather location.
Poster Draft:
Folks like the poster. Syd will update it to be less wordy and to include the correct information. Environmental Services at the Courthouse will print 100 of the posters and the WCMNCN crew will hang them up around town on the 11th. Syd will also put an RSVP link on the poster so we have a general idea of who is coming.
Getting the word out:
Troy Engebretson agreed to come on Community Connection with Syd on Thur. Sept 30th at 6:45AM.
Engebretsons can also send the poster to the Friday Facts
Facebook pages: Engebretsons, Pope Douglas
Other Notes:
Bill & Troy also talked about potentially supplying snacks for the event so we can intentionally provide waste.
Nathan will bring a set of his waste warrior gear to use as a visual
Troy will bring one of Stevens County bins if they are here in time.
We will have some How To Organics Recycle brochures available at the event (syd in other hat will make these)